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As an integrated product design and strategic innovation firm,

we believe that successful design goes beyond aesthetics;

it is about designing the human experience into every product or service.

How can we help you?

  • I am an inventor and need a product designed;
  • I have a product but want to refine it;
  • I want to understand my customers behaviour and how they interact with my business;
  • I am a foreign firm looking to change my products to suit the African consumer;
  • I need to re-imagine our service delivery to our customers;
  • I need to set up an innovation factory inside or outside my business;
  • I need a radical kiosk designed for my business;
  • I need a product prototyped rapidly or manufactured locally or overseas.

Who is …XYZ

…XYZ is an award winning product development and strategic innovation firm based in Cape Town, South Africa.

We help our clients to conceptualise and design innovative products, services and interactive experiences.

Our service design expertise helps clients to re-imagine their approach to service delivery, and creates innovative new experiences based on a detailed understanding of the needs, desires and behaviour of customers and users.

Essentially we re-introduce design into business, by creating an outsiders view of how best to meet the needs of tomorrow’s customers.

Established in 1999 we put South African Design on the map. Our products feature in the permanent collections of some well respected institutions, such as the Smithsonian, the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

What We Do

We study the way people interact with products and services

 We then use this knowledge to do three things for our clients:

  1. We design some very cool high tech products, from concept to commercial roll out; and
  2. We help clients to re-imagine the way that their customers interact with their service offerings and redesign their customer experience;
  3. We assist foreign businesses to adapt their product and service offerings for African markets; We have detailed experience on how they need to approach this and how to redesign or change their products to suit these new markets.

We have a unique ability to migrate fieldwork data and research theory into testable products and services and then roll them out commercially. This is an invaluable end-to-end service for any entrant into this or any other African Market.

Our Product Design Work


Our …XYZ Design Experience

We assist clients across their entire product or service development lifecycle.

 Our team of senior professionals has many years of experience in disciplines ranging from:

  1. Industrial design
  2. Product design
  3. Service design
  4. User experience design (UX)
  5. Human centred design (HCD)
  6. Innovation management and measurement systems
  7. Design thinking
  8. Intellectual Property protection; and
  9. Project commercialisation

A detailed discussion of our DDD Design Process can be found HERE >>

Our Service Design Work

Cutting Edge Kiosk Design

  …XYZ Design is South Africa’s premier kiosk and interaction design provider. For well over a decade we have been successfully providing kiosks to both local and international markets. Our solutions range in complexity from entry level information kiosks to secure automated teller machines. Each kiosk is individually tailored to suit our client’s desired market penetration, brand compliance, budget constraints, delivery expectations and, importantly, the end-user’s technical proficiencies. You can visit our detailed …XYZ KIOSK SITE HERE

Our Kiosk Design Work

Meet The Team

Innovators, Deep Thinkers, Designers … all Design Inspired

James Profile

James Kennedy
Managing Director

James is a qualified industrial designer who’s multi-skilled, do-it-all innovator and problem-solver with a special interest in the technical and manufacturing side of the industry. His work has been exhibited and published both locally and internationally.

More about James >>

Yolandi Profile

Yolandi Schreuder
Industrial / Product Designer

Yolandi is a qualified industrial designer whose work has been exhibited and published both locally and internationally. She is the designer of Baya- the DIY desk for kids, which was one of 22 nominees for Icsid – International Council of Societies of Industrial Design’s inaugural World Design Impact Prize 2011. More about Yolandi >>

Roelf Mulder
Original Founder

Roelf Mulder is the founder of …XYZ Design, and one of Cape Town’s leading designers; a pioneer in the field of product design and a leader in Innovation and Design Thinking methodology in South Africa.

More about Roelf >>


Get in Touch with us

Let’s explore the opportunities together


Unit 10, Canterbury Studios, 35 Wesley Street, Gardens,
Cape Town, South Africa

Email: info @

Model for render - Exhibition stand.19